70th anniversary of the sfm. Laying of the foundation stone for the new sterilization building. Inauguration of the safemed building extension. Closure of the subsidiary safetube. Earnings improve despite high inflation and cost increases due to the war in Ukraine. First carbon footprint shows low CO2 footprint.
Successful certification according to MDR. 30th anniversary of safemed and topping-out ceremony for the building extension to increase the production area. Safemed receives environmental certification according to ISO 14001. MDSAP certification for the USA, Canada and Japan. Products approved in China and the UK for the first time.
Expansion of the nextaro® product family with the vented version nextaro® vented and additional diameters for larger vials. Strong sales growth exceeds pre-corona level. Inauguration and move into safetec's own building. Development of a new corporate strategy.
The COVID-19 (corona) pandemic with curfews, lockdowns, business and school closures is having a far-reaching impact on the global economy. Sales in the field of pain therapy are declining as patients stay at home due to the risk of infection. Protective measures to protect employees (home office, avoidance of contact, compulsory masks, separate shifts, etc.) . sfm Wächtersbach receives environmental certification in accordance with ISO 14001.
With nextaro®, sfm has laid the foundation for its own product family for the first time. With its own approvals in the EU and the USA, the nextaro® transfer system for the reconstitution of lyophilizates has created the basis for the successful use of the systems. Marketing has already got off to a promising start.
sfm celebrates its 65th anniversary. Establishment of the subsidiary safetube as its own tube drawing plant.
The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) came into force in May. As early as 2016, sfm began implementing the package of measures expected as a result in order to remain competitive in the market. The fact that we have been successful in this regard is demonstrated, among other things, by the FDA inspection we passed in May with a very good result.
In addition to proactively aligning the company with the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) expected in 2017, the focus is on establishing regional presences and further globalizing sales. The sales companies sfm medical devices USA Inc. and sfm swiss medical AG will be founded.
Consistent investment in new technologies and the optimization of the corporate structure in the administrative areas, coupled with moderate sales growth, will once again lead to a significant increase in earnings in 2015.
Company-wide implementation of SAP. Founding of the mechanical engineering company safetec.
sfm medical devices continues to grow; we celebrate our 60th anniversary. New construction projects in the areas of production and warehousing.
Süddeutsche Feinmechanik GmbH is renamed sfm medical devices GmbH. Further internationalization of the business. Establishment of the Regulatory Affairs department. First delivery of application sets for kyphoplasty.
Strengthening market presence through increased participation in international congresses and exhibitions. Participation in European working groups in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sector. New plastics production facility completed. Investment focus on metalworking and surface technology. Double-digit sales growth.
Revision of the strategic direction. Stronger focus on innovations and investments for the pharmaceutical industry. sfm's own training and further education program and the expansion of regulatory and approval services complement the activities in the core business. Double-digit sales growth; the number of employees increases to 200.
Despite the global economic crisis, sfm enjoys healthy growth. New products and production facilities complement the portfolio and expand capacity in all key areas.
Successful marketing of new products in the international pharmaceutical and medical technology market. Double-digit growth by focusing on globally operating OEM customers.
Strategic reorientation towards the medical technology and pharmaceutical market segments. Consistent adaptation of the organization and process technology equipment to the requirements of the globalized healthcare market. Inauguration of a new production hall for metalworking.
Start of an ambitious modernization program for all production buildings and technical facilities.
Reorganization of the company through consistent focus on the core business.
Sale of the tube extrusion plant in Aura. SaFeMed moves to a new production building with state-of-the-art clean room technology.
The business is growing continuously. The cooperation between sfm and SaFeMed is proving very successful.
Foundation of the wholly owned subsidiary SaFeMed in Prague.
Acquisition of the industrial site in Wächtersbach, which has been sfm's headquarters ever since.
Concentration of the sfm business on cannula production.
Construction of the pipe extraction plant in Aura.
Expansion of the company to include the Wolferborn site. Start of plastics production.
Company founders Erich Bönick and Arno Götz acquire Süddeutsche Präzisionswerkstätten GmbH in Bad Orb.