Solid needle as an important element for COPD and asthma inhalers
Various inhalers are used for treatment of disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Incorporated into almost all inhalers are solid, metal, needles which puncture drug capsules releasing propellant are CFC-free powder. This allows inhalation of the active drug substance.
Customer requirements:
For these devices, the drug capsule must be punctured flawlessly to avoid capsule fragmentation. Therefore, bevel design and sharpness are crucial. In addition, the standard of packaging and reliable delivery of these small needles is integral in being able to incorporate them into the customer supply chain.
Our solution:
In collaboration with our customers, we optimized bevel geometries to all the best possible release of active drug substances. Packaging is also considered to allow for the most streamlined further processing of the components for each customer’s needs.